March 2, 2025
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Ever hear that saying? Think about it. Think about the 5 people you spend the most time with. How are they influencing you? How are you influencing them? Do your meet ups revolve around consuming (food, drinks, gossip) or are you living life (moving your body, challenging your mind, growing yourself)? Are you surrounded by negativity or is laughter and light heartedness abundant?
I listened to a podcast on a trail run last week by Dr. Mark Hyman with Simon Sinek about "The Surprising Science Behind Connection". I don't want to ruin the listen for you, so highly encourage you to tune into it when you have time. But, one big statistical takeaway I had was that we are 170% more likely to be obese or overweight if our friends are. We are 40% more likely to if our family is. That gives a bit more insight to the nature vs nurture discussion. Yes, our genetics matter, but our lifestyle matters more! This was aboiut obesity, but I imagine this same holds true with other aspects... 170% likely to be negative, smoke cigarettes, gossip about others, etc... if our friends do.
So again, think about it. Who are the 5 people you spend the most time with. Do they positively influence your life, your actions, your feelings, your decisions? Do you do the same for them? If not.. maybe time for a discussion on how you can better help each other. If you start working out in the morning, invite your friends. If you want to stop eating out, start inviting friends over for potluck meet ups. If you want to stop gossiping, have a "safe word" so you can make each other aware of when it's happening. AND... if your friends aren't on board with this and it's the life you want to lead.. maybe time to find your new top 5?
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